Pixel Lite Presentation Mockup

80 components

Beatifully crafted and creative components made with great care for each pixel

3 sections

Navigation bars, pricing cards, footers and many more sections to enhance page variety

4 example pages

We took the time to create a few example pages to show you how gorgeous pages can look like


At Themesberg, our mission has always been focused on bringing openness and transparency to the design process. We've always believed that by providing a space where designers can share ongoing work not only empowers them to make better products, it also helps them grow. We're proud to be a part of creating a more open culture and to continue building a product that supports this vision.

At Themesberg, our mission has always been focused on bringing openness and transparency to the design process. We've always believed that by providing a space where designers can share ongoing work not only empowers them to make better products, it also helps them grow. We're proud to be a part of creating a more open culture and to continue building a product that supports this vision.

At Themesberg, our mission has always been focused on bringing openness and transparency to the design process. We've always believed that by providing a space where designers can share ongoing work not only empowers them to make better products, it also helps them grow. We're proud to be a part of creating a more open culture and to continue building a product that supports this vision.



Primary Secondary Tertiary Gray Success Danger Warning Info
Primary Secondary Tertiary Gray Success Danger Warning Info


Office space

We partnered up with Ildiesign

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Read All
Neil Sims

Neil D. Sims

New York, USA

Neil drives the technical strategy of the platform and brand.


$19 / month
  • 1 free domain
  • Storage space: 5GB
  • 100k monthly visitors
  • One-click staging site
  • Search engine wizard
  • Community support

Get the most out of your network.

Contact management designed for teams and individuals




Main Buttons

Outline Buttons


Choose your color



Social Buttons

Round Social Buttons


Default Forms

We'll never share your email with anyone else.
Disabled Inputs
Looks good!
Please choose a username.

Range Sliders

Checkboxes Round





Square pagination with icon-nav

Square pagination with text-nav

Disabled and active states

Choose your size


Progress bars

Primary Color
Secondary Color
Tertiary Color
Dark Color
Gray Color
Success Bar
Info Bar
Danger Bar
Warning Bar


Exercitation photo booth stumptown tote bag Banksy, elit small batch freegan sed. Craft beer elit seitan exercitation, photo booth et 8-bit kale chips proident chillwave deep v laborum. Aliquip veniam delectus, Marfa eiusmod Pinterest in do umami readymade swag.

Day handsome addition horrible sensible goodness two contempt. Evening for married his account removal. Estimable me disposing of be moonlight cordially curiosity.

Photo booth stumptown tote bag Banksy, elit small batch freegan sed. Craft beer elit seitan exercitation, photo booth et 8-bit kale chips proident chillwave deep v laborum. Aliquip veniam delectus, Marfa eiusmod Pinterest in do umami readymade swag.

Day handsome addition horrible sensible goodness two contempt. Evening for married his account removal. Estimable me disposing of be moonlight cordially curiosity.

Exercitation photo booth stumptown tote bag Banksy, elit small batch freegan sed. Craft beer elit seitan exercitation, photo booth et 8-bit kale chips proident chillwave deep v laborum. Aliquip veniam delectus, Marfa eiusmod Pinterest in do umami readymade swag.

Day handsome addition horrible sensible goodness two contempt. Evening for married his account removal. Estimable me disposing of be moonlight cordially curiosity.





h1. Bootstrap heading

h2. Bootstrap heading

h3. Bootstrap heading

h4. Bootstrap heading

h5. Bootstrap heading
h6. Bootstrap heading

Customizing headings

Fancy display heading
Fancy display heading
Fancy display heading
Fancy display heading
Fancy display heading
Fancy display heading

Display headings

Display 1
Display 2
Display 3
Display 4


Simple paragraph

Start your development with a Pixel Design System for Bootstrap 4.Themesberg makes beautiful products to help people with creative ideas succeed.Our company empowers millions of people.

Lead paragraph

Start your development with a Pixel Design System for Bootstrap 4.Themesberg makes beautiful products to help people with creative ideas succeed.Our company empowers millions of people.

Muted text

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Dark text

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Primary text

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Secondary text

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Tertiary text

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Info text

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Danger text

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Success text

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.


Themesberg makes beautiful products to help people with creative ideas succeed. Our company empowers millions of people.
James Curran



  • Minutes of the last meeting
  • Do we need yet more meetings?
  • Any other business
    • Programming
    • Web Design
    • Database
  • Something funny


  1. Minutes of the last meeting
  2. Do we need yet more meetings?
  3. Any other business
    1. Programming
    2. Web Design
    3. Database
  4. Something funny

Notable features

You get all Bootstrap components fully customized. Besides, you receive numerous plugins out of the box and ready to use

Latest Bootstrap

A responsive and mobile-first theme built with the world's most popular CSS framework

Build with Sass

Change one variable and the theme adapts. Colors, fonts, sizes, buttons... you name it

Responsive Design

Did you know 53% of the world web traffic is mobile? Pixel is fully responsive and mobile first

Modular approach

Nicely customized components that can be reused anytime and anywhere in your project

Gulp & BrowserSync

With our custom Gulp commands & BrowserSync we offer a seemless and fast workflow for your project

Well documented

Our kit is delivered with very detailed documentation, describing all components, styles and usages

Google PageSpeed

Pixel has 80+ scores on Google PageSpeed Insights to offer you and your clients a fast website

SVG illustrations

Photography and Illustration SVGs are included in the download package and are free to use

Pixel logo

Every pixel matters

We crafted each component with great care so that no rouge pixel is left behind

What's inside?

We have carefully crafted the perfect folder structure to ensure that finding the files you're looking for are easily reachable and well organized.

You need only HTML, CSS and Javascript?

Don't worry, we got you covered. We have a folder called html&css which includes only the basic HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript technologies.

Docs File Structure
  • src
    • assets
    • html
    • partials
    • scss
    • index.html
  • html&css
  • .temp
  • dist
  • node_modules
  • gulpfile.js
  • package.json
  • README.md
  • .gitignore

You need only HTML, CSS and Javascript?

Don't worry, we got you covered. We have a folder called html&css which includes only the basic HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript technologies.

Accessibility first design

Pixel complies with the latest WCAG 2.1 UI accessibility standards and passes the WAVE and AChecker evaluation tools

Web Accessibility Logo

WAVE is a suite of evaluation tools that helps authors make their web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities.

WAVE checker results
Achecker Logo

AChecker is used to evaluate HTML content for accessibility problems by entering the location of a web page, uploading an html file, or by pasting the complete HTML source code from a Web page.

AChecker results

WCAG 2.1 accessible color scheme

We've enhanced Bootstrap’s color settings
to comply with the latest accessibility standards





















Less work, more flow.

Boost productivity with BrowserSync. SCSS changes are reflected instantly and pages scroll and refresh on devices as you work.

> $ npm install
Everything’s installed!
> $ gulp
SCSS watching
LiveReload started
Opening localhost:3000
> $ that's it?
It's that simple!
Looks unfamiliar? Don’t worry! Our documentation has got you covered.

Open source project

Pixel Lite is an open source UI Kit that is licensed under the very permissive MIT License. Consider giving us a star on the official Github repository to spread the news!

Free Version
  • 80 Components
  • 4 Example Pages
  • Uncoventional cards
  • Timelines
  • E-commerce
  • Charts
  • Premium Support
Pro Version
  • 1000+ Components
  • 17 Example Pages
  • Uncoventional cards
  • Timelines
  • E-commerce
  • Charts
  • Premium Support
Live demo